As your County Councilmember, I’ll continue to be boots on the ground for Pierce County.
Public Safety
With over 20 years in law enforcement, I understand firsthand public safety is of utmost importance in any society. It is the foundation for people to live and thrive without fear or harm. It encompasses a wide range of issues, including crime prevention, emergency preparedness, and public health.
The safety of individuals, families, and communities is vital for their overall well-being, and without it, people are unable to lead fulfilling lives. Ensuring public safety requires a collaborative effort from law enforcement agencies, policymakers, healthcare professionals, and members of the community. It is crucial for the government to allocate sufficient resources toward public safety measures and to educate the public on safety awareness and preventative measures. By prioritizing public safety, we can create a safer and more secure environment for all.
Low Taxes
Keeping taxes low is important for overall affordability because it allows individuals more economic freedom to spend, save, and invest their money in ways that are most beneficial to their needs. Low taxes also help keep costs of services and products lower, making them more accessible to people of all incomes. Additionally, small businesses may be more likely to expand by creating new jobs, which could lead to increased economic growth. Finally, lower taxes help keep government spending down. In short, lower taxes are an important part of keeping the economy healthy and affordable.
Infrastructure Needs
Keeping roads in good condition is essential in ensuring safe and efficient transportation of people and goods. Potholes, cracks, and other road issues can cause major damage to vehicles, which can lead to costly repairs or even serious accidents. Therefore, it is important for Pierce County to address transportation and road problems such as potholes by committing adequate funding, staff, and resources to the task. Paving and filling potholes in a timely manner not only prevents the further degradation of roads but also safeguards the safety of the people driving or walking on them.
Oppose State Proposed Airport
I’m a vocal and active opponents of the state proposed international airport near and around Pierce County and there are so many compelling arguments regarding why this project should not be approved. The primary concerns are the potential danger to nearby residential areas, the environmental impact of increased air traffic, and the added costs to taxpayers. We love the blend of urban and natural environments in our region and a new airport will change what makes Piece County unique and why we call it home.
Additionally, the cost in taxes to build and operate the airport may be too much for already strapped taxpayers to bear, resulting in higher costs of living and reduced affordability across the region.
Addressing Addiction & Homlessness
The lack of investments in public health has had a significant impact on the homeless population in Pierce County. When governments fail to invest in public health initiatives, including mental health services, addiction treatment, and affordable housing, many people are left without access to the resources they need to maintain stable and healthy lives. This often leads to homelessness, as individuals and families struggle to cope with illness, addiction, and financial hardship.
Moreover, without adequate healthcare and prevention measures, illnesses can easily spread among homeless populations, exacerbating existing health issues, and creating new ones like the spike of Fentanyl-related deaths among the homeless. Overall, the lack of proper investments in public health significantly impacts the well-being of vulnerable populations, including the homeless. Governments must prioritize funding for public health initiatives to address these issues.